The roof may be protecting the totality of your establishment, but what protects your roof? Keeping your roof well maintained and in excellent condition is essential. Having a damaged roof can disturb your employee's comfort, safety, and security which can also have a domino effect on your business.
Our first line of defense keeps us protected against any external factors such as heat, heavy rains, strong winds, ice, and other circumstances. It is why wear and tear are inevitable, and one way of extending the lifespan and quality of your roofing systems is by applying a roof sealant.
What is a Roof Sealant?
Roof sealant is a protective coating applied to roofing systems to seal them against climatic conditions. It is a dense material that becomes solid after applying to any surface. It now acts as an extra layer of protection for the roof from possible damage caused by elements such as dust, smoke, or water. This product is mainly used on flat roofs because it is more common for flat roofs to have leaks because of the standing water accumulated from the rain. However, roof sealants for sloped roofs are also available, along with specialty products designed with roofing products such as shingles.
Since your roof structure covers the entire establishment, it is easy to see how vitally important your choice of sealant becomes. Sealants come in different forms, such as tar, concrete, rubber, or paint. It is essential to use the variety that will deliver the maximum opportunity to withstand pressure.
How To Apply Roof Sealant
For your roof contractors to have easy access to your roof when you need to get your roof coated, make sure you install aluminum roof hatches. Your roof contractors will thank you for this, and maintaining your roof's condition won't be such a hassle.
Step #1 Roof Inspection
Initially, you need to inspect your roof thoroughly. Check on every area and try to locate gaps or cracks that can cause leaks. Remove any flaking from the present roof layer by using a wire brush. Check the seams closely and sweep away the debris with a broom. You should also check for any signs of mold growth or mildew and repair anything needed before starting.
Step #2 Wash the Roof
After the checkup and repairs, it's time to wash any dirt and debris down. Using a garden hose, take out any dust and debris on your roof and ensure that it will not create a puddle. The water can form pools on your roof if your establishment is not level. Afterward, dry off the roof with clean rags.
Step #3 Apply Patching Cement
Cover all edges and seams of flashing with patching cement by utilizing a stiff-bristle paintbrush. Ensure that you overlap all seams by 1 inch and cover any visible screw heads. Covering these areas will help prevent leaking from occurring on your roof. Let the patching cement dry for at least an hour.
Step #4 Begin Applying Roof Sealants
By using a roof brush, begin applying the roof sealant mixture. Brush over the whole area of the roof and ensure to carefully follow the instructions as labeled by the product to achieve the proper coverage your roof needs. Remember not to apply a very thick coat as it will dry and crack after a long time.
Benefits of Roof Sealants
1. Waterproof Roof Surfaces
We've already talked about how roof sealants serve as a waterproof coating over several different roof surfaces. Elastomeric and silicone roof sealants form a protective seal over your roof. Typically, the best roof sealants will be breathable to allow moisture from different factors to escape through your roof. Many manufacturers claim that using their products can prolong your roof's life by several years or more.
2. UV Protection
Too much solar radiation can eventually cause your roof to wear and tear. Ultraviolet rays cause molecular changes in different roof materials, especially shingles, leading to degradation and curling. Other roofing materials contain reflective materials to minimize this problem, but a suitable roof sealant is another way. According to some roofing professionals, reflective elastomeric roof coatings can prevent UV damage.
3. Increased Fire-Resistance
In some cases, roof sealants can also help boost your roof's fire resistance. Of course, if you're concerned about your roof's fire rating, installing a metal roof is probably the best purchase you will make.
4. Prevent Mold Growth
Roof coatings have a low permeability, which means they don't stay moist or allow mold and algae to grow. Mold and algae growth can lessen the quality of your roof and can eventually lead to roof leaks.
The Takeaway
Keeping your roof of excellent quality is one of the many ways you can preserve the quality of your commercial building. Make sure you collaborate well with your roof contractors to decide what type of roofing sealant suits your roof.
If you're looking for more exciting blogs on keeping your roof in tip-top shape, make sure you take a quick tour of Best Roof Hatches, where you can find quality roof hatches for your project needs. You can reach us at (800) 431-8651 for more details.